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Registration Form (New Login Account)
First time users only, will need to create a login account to access the TDSB's eRegistration System (eReg). If you have a login account already, please click on the link: eLearning   ConEd
In order to create a login account for the TDSB's eRegistration System (eReg), please complete the information requested on the following 3 sections. (* is Required)
Please ensure that the way your name is typed on your registration form is the way that it appears on your legal documentation (ie. do not type in all caps or all lower case).
Legal First Name:
Email Address:
Preferred First Name:
Confirm Email:
Middle Name:
Phone Number:
ie. 416-999-9999
Legal Surname:
Cell Number:
ie. 416-999-9999
Ontario Education Number (OEN): help
Date of Birth:
Open the calendar popup.
Collection of Information
The information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2, and will be used by Toronto District School Board Continuing and International Education staff for registration purposes. Emergency contact information will be used in the creation of the Emergency Calling Network and Ontario Health Card information will be shared with local public health authorities. All personal information collected on this form will be maintained in accordance with Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56. Any questions regarding the collection of information on this form may be directed to the Toronto District School Board.
If you have questions about face-to-face Night School or Summer School, please contact Continuing Education by email at ConEd_eReg@tdsb.on.ca
If you have questions about e-Learning programs, please contact the e-Learning office by email at e-Learning@tdsb.on.ca